



Disasters strike upon the land, some by God and some by man.

The disasters of a natural force, they come from God of course.

Some however are wicked plans, found in the evil heart of man.

Both will have the same result, moving men into deeper thought.


At times a quiet earth may quake, leaving destruction in its wake.

Such times are the finger of God, touching the earth that we trod.

Disasters will strike any nation, leaving behind much devastation.

Such disasters are truly unkind, leaving pain and suffering behind.


Many people escape the wrath, being far from the disasters path.

But it should not be ignored, as they need to reflect on The Lord.

Many disasters sure to come, were predicted by God’s own Son.

Some by God are meant to be, signs pointing all men to Eternity.


Others simply have their start, in man’s wicked deceptive heart,

Hearts, by Christ, we were told, in the end would only grow cold.

But all the tragedy soon will end, when to the earth Christ is sent.

Man has become so depraved, without Christ none will be saved.


Even the earth groans in pain, eager to be purged from sin’s stain.

As tragic as these disasters are, the end will be much worse by far.

For during the Great Tribulation, wrath will pour upon every nation.

As God’s final Judgment’s poured, on all men who reject The Lord.


(Copyright ©09/2005 Bob Gotti)






God's Creation


God’s tiny creatures are everywhere, on all the lands and in the air.

Everywhere you look there’s proof, of God’s Creation and His Truth.

Various creatures in a wide array, are on this earth and on display.

Placed by God for all men to see, while pointing hearts to eternity.


They are placed by God’s hand, as evidence to help all understand,

That all of creation is of The Lord, and it is a truth, not to be ignored.

As all will stand before The Creator, but do all accept Him as Savior?

The Truth alone will judge all men, as all theories will be condemned.


Men may deny all of God’s Truth, but they will stand without excuse.

For God says through revelation, Truth is stamped on His Creation.

Learned men can not comprehend, real truth, not devised by them.

And God’s Truth stands on its own, and it exists through God alone.


All God’s Truth and eternal design, goes far above the learned mind.

It’s only simple faith that you need, to look at creation and to believe,

That The Eternal God created it all, for man all alone is awfully small.

And the man’s mind is smaller still, that continues to reject God’s will.


God’s existence does not need man, but we were put into God’s plan.

God will continue on, they will see; continue on through all of Eternity.

It’s those who reject God’s Creation, who can’t embrace His Salvation.

But they will understand and will see, that He’s The God of all Eternity.


(Copyright ©10/2005 Bob Gotti)



The Eye of God.jpg



Vain Imagination

Evolution deceived a generation with nothing more than imagination.
Man's bogus claims of this senility make his science pure futility.
Life is too complex is what they whine, so there must be a design.
They hit the nail on the head but chose to believe that God is dead.
Their heart says God's behind it all but they just continue to fall.

Their empty theory of deception, has always been Satan's intention.
Clutching onto this theory of evolution is a problem not a solution.
Evolution as a forgone conclusion is just part of Satan's delusion.
We hear what they believe and say only to hear it change day by day.
In The Bible they will find, God is not a man who changes His mind.

This theory is but one-century-old, so how can the fools be so bold?
Yes, fools I say with a nod, for only the fool says there is no God.
In The Bible they could read, and see He's an Awesome God is indeed.
It's been here thousands of years, and only The Bible has no peers.
The fact of creation is plain to see but they choose to be deceived.

God doesn't need any proof, by creation alone they're without excuse.
Man just does what he pleases while ignoring The Lord Christ Jesus.
They can't go on ignoring Jesus, for He alone was sent to redeem us.
Not only is creation evident, but the Creator himself is benevolent.
He showed His love at one event, when to the cross His Son He sent.

(Copyright ©07/2002 Bob Gotti)






 Created For Him


Bright and blue above is the sky, painted by Him, who sits on high,

It hangs above earth as a canopy, as far above as the eye can see.

God placed the sun for all to see, indeed high above earth’s canopy.

It’s not only a light for us to see, but it warms earth for you and me.

Along with the bright daytime light, He placed the moon in the night.


To complement the sky at night, God made the moon a lesser light.

Each night it shows a different phase, marking out a month of days.

God filled the night time canopy, with all the stars that you can see.

Stars He placed in constellations, as a witness unto all the nations.

Each star placed by His reasons, which mark out a year of seasons.


God sends the clouds in the sky, whenever the ground below is dry.

Rain then falls to the earth below, allowing all the greenery to grow,

It collects as water for you and me, and all the rest flows to the sea.

There the waters God shall store, retaining the oceans by the shore.

Protecting for us all the dry land; the part of earth God gave to man,


To work all of the earthly fields, while living off the greenery it yields.

On the stewards of earth below, abundant blessings God will bestow.

Friend, from the earth to the sky, all things point to The Lord on high.

All things are sustained in Christ, God’s Son who died as a sacrifice.

The entire world was made for Him, Christ our Lord who died for sin.


And as The Lord of all creation, God offers to men Eternal Salvation.

All men who come to Jesus Christ, by God are granted Eternal Life.

And as this earth does pass away, the man in Christ will forever stay.

No longer on the earth to roam, as Christ prepared an Eternal Home.

As the sun, stars and moon wane, those in Christ will forever remain.


(Copyright ©06/2005 Bob Gotti)






Sadly Deceived


Today people are sadly deceived, by the issues men have conceived,

Believing theories construed by man, on issues they don’t understand.

Pointing to issues deep in the heart, playing upon fear right at the start,

Warning peoples of peril up ahead, filling hearts with fear and a dread.


Never do they look unto The Creator, Who is earth’s ultimate sustainer,

Not understanding all God ordained, through all ages will be sustained.

Giving God no thought or room, while painting scenarios of utter doom,

Denying The God of all of creation, as they lean on their on inclination.


They don’t understand who’s in control, of all the earth and every soul.

The theories these men fabricate, will not change this world or its fate.

The world created by a Flawless God, reigning above with an iron rod,

Where He laughs and scoffs at men; of the little that they comprehend.


They are big thinkers in their own eyes, but in God’s are far from wise,

Saying all life on earth shall end, because of global warming my friend.

A problem created on the earth by us, simple men created out of dust,

Cannot frustrate the Eternal Plan, of God Who created earth and man.


God doesn’t need man’s puny mind, to critique and change His design.

He needs to prepare for the day; earth is purged in God’s planned way,

By getting on God’s only plan, embracing not earth but the Son of Man.

If they choose never to believe, eternally they’ll remain sadly deceived.


(Copyright ©10/2006 Bob Gotti)






He Fills The Earth

He created all the mountains and owns the cattle on all the hills.
Indeed all the earth, the sky, and heavens The Lord Almighty fills.
As earth's Sovereign Creator, He speaks and does whatever He wills.
And during each and every single moment His spoken Word He fulfills.

He created all that's on the earth, yes every single living creature,
Nothing at all was left to chance, as He designed every tiny feature.
He knows each and every creature, even your old science teacher,
Man He made totally accountable, so best give ear to your preacher.

He put man in a special position as the head of all God's creation,
But when asked to obey just one rule, he opted for rationalization.
Today the effect of that original sin is felt by every single nation.
Man's sin is the very reason that Christ was willed as our salvation.

Friend the wages of this sin is death and there's not one exception,
However, through God's love He has willed Jesus to be our exemption.
Jesus alone died in our place to pay the price for Satan's deception.
So as believers we have Hope as we wait eagerly for our redemption.

And for those who are not waiting for Him there is no place to hide,
For Christ's Blood bought the whole world on the cross when He died.
Heaven is His Throne and earth is His footstool for God has not lied,
Judgment is ahead for His enemies, as God's Justice won't be denied.

(Copyright ©08/2003 Bob Gotti)






Predictors of Doom


It is so nice to know what will be, this, before we step into eternity,

With many hearts filled with fear, about a future that’s not so clear.

And while we remain down here, in Christ we live without any fear,

Knowing He’s in complete control, of all things, both big and small.


As prognosticators play on fear, we know The Lord is always near,

As they predict the earth’s demise, The Lord rules above the skies.

With their scenarios of darker days, it begs a question to be raised,

If soon we’ll be at the end of life, why don’t they point men to Christ?


The changes that these men see, won’t hinder The God of Eternity,

The Creator and Sustainer friend, made an earth that will never end.

Our God shall make all things new, without any help from me or you.

Making a new Heaven and earth, replacing doom with a joyful mirth.


Could they just be smaller signs, pointing all men to the end times?

When all will see bigger things, as every eye sees the King of kings.

They said it was Christians whom, preached all the end time doom,

But that is God’s Truth before, believers see His Glory forevermore.


They speak of what they must do, to save the earth for me and you,

Men of money they endear, to stage off changes in the atmosphere.

If it’s left alone, these men decry, every life upon this earth shall die.

But unless they accept The Lord, they shall see gloom forevermore.


(Copyright ©09/2006 Bob Gotti)






And the glory of the LORD will be revealed, and all

mankind together will see it.  For the mouth of the

LORD has spoken.” A voice says, “Cry out.”  And I

said, “What shall I cry?” “All men are like grass,

and all their glory is like the flowers of the field.

The grass withers and the flowers fall, because

the breath of the LORD blows on them. Surely the

people are grass. The grass withers and the flowers

fall, but the word of our God stands forever.”


Who has measured the waters in the hollow of his

hand, or with the breadth of his hand marked off

the heavens? Who has held the dust of the earth

in a basket, or weighed the mountains on the scales

and the hills in a balance? Who has understood the

mind of the LORD, or instructed him as his counselor? 

Whom did the LORD consult to enlighten him, and who

taught him the right way? Who was it that taught him

knowledge or showed him the path of understanding?

Surely the nations are like a drop in a bucket; they

are regarded as dust on the scales; he weighs

the islands as though they were fine dust.

(Isaiah 40:5-8, 12-15)







Why do the nations conspire and the peoples plot

in vain? The kings of the earth take their stand and

the rulers gather together against the LORD and

against his Anointed One.  “Let us break their

chains,” they say, “and throw off their fetters.”


The One enthroned in heaven laughs; the Lord

scoffs at them. Then he rebukes them in his

anger and terrifies them in his wrath, saying,

“I have installed my King on Zion, my holy hill.”

I will proclaim the decree of the LORD:

He said to me, “You are my Son; today I

have become your Father. Ask of me, and

I will make the nations your inheritance,

the ends of the earth your possession.

You will rule them with an iron scepter;

you will dash them to pieces like pottery.”


Therefore, you kings, be wise; be warned,

you rulers of the earth. Serve the LORD with

fear and rejoice with trembling. Kiss the Son,

lest he be angry and you be destroyed in your

way, for his wrath can flare up in a moment.

Blessed are all who take refuge in him.

(Psalm 1)




But as for me,
I watch in hope for the LORD,
I wait for God my Savior; 
My God will hear me.
(Micah 7:7)


In Christ’s Love,

Bob Gotti


